Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct
Our company has a deliberate policy of responsible ecological and social management. We also require our employees to follow the principles of ecological, social, and ethical behavior and to integrate them into the corporate culture.
We expect the same conduct from all our suppliers. It is also our aim to continuously optimize our activity as a company and our products and services for sustainability and challenge our suppliers to contribute to this as part of a holistic approach.
1. General requirement
Integrity, Credibility , Transparency
In its business activities and decisions, our company respects generally valid ethical values, in particular integrity, credibility and respect for human dignity. It promotes transparency, responsible management and controlling in the company in a suitable way.
Scope of validity
Our code of conduct is a set of binding rules that must be followed by each and every employee of our company. Above all, the members of the executive board and all managers bear special responsibility for active implementation of this code of conduct. They must provide an example to follow in every way. The code is the basis and a guide for meeting the ethical and legal challenges of our daily work. Any employee can speak to their superior or the company management if they have any questions or comments about this aspect of our work.
Supply chain
Our company expects its suppliers to comply with the principles of the code of conduct, supports them with this as best it can, and requests them to do the same in their supply chains.
Compliance with the law
Our company complies with the laws and other legal regulations of the countries in which it operates. This applies expressly to national, European, and international laws and regulations governing chemicals, and to embargo, customs, and export control regulations.
2. Principles of social and ecological responsibility
Social responsibilit
Social responsibility is an essential part of values-based management and a major factor in long-term successful management.
Human rights
Our company fully respects and supports the internationally recognized human rights and ensures that its activities are guided by the conventions of the International Labor Organization (ILO). In this respect, we are in a constant dialog with our suppliers to avoid our products containing raw materials from conflict regions.
Child labor
The prohibitions of child labor and forced labor in any form are complied with.
Prohibition of discrimination
Discrimination against employees and third parties is not tolerated. Our company opposes unacceptable treatment of employees in any way, in particular sexual or verbal harassment.
Equal opportunities
Our company promotes the equal opportunities of its employees.
Employee rights
The right of employees to assemble and to organize is recognized where legally permissible under national regulations. Our company complies with the valid national laws and labor standards in respect of appropriate remuneration and maximum working hours.
This naturally also includes compliance with all provisions of the law governing a national minimum wage in Germany. Our company ensures fair working conditions overall.
Industrial safety and protection of health
Industrial safety and protection of health is ensured in compliance with national regulations.
Environmental and climate protection
Sustainable environmental and climate protection and resource efficiency are important corporate objectives for us. Both in the development of new products and services and in the operation of production plants, we ensure that all resulting impacts on the environment and the climate are kept as low as possible and that our products make a positive contribution to environmental and climate protection for our customers.
Each employee has responsibility for using natural resources sparingly and for ensuring that their own behavior contributes toward the protection of the environment and climate.
Consumer interests
Where consumer interests are impacted, our company complies with the consumer protection regulations.
Social commitment
Our company contributes to the social and economic development of the country and region in which it operates.
3. Conduct toward competitors, business partners and third parties
Fair competition and anti-trust law
Our company complies with the rules of fair and open competition and does not make any agreements that influence competition in an illegal way.
Employees of our company are under an obligation to comply with the rules of fair competition. In particular, all agreements are prohibited, but also all collusion with competitors in the following areas:
- Prices and components of prices
- Conditions
- Customers
- Delivery areas
- Quotas and capacities
- Agreed market exits
- Agreement about planned innovations
- Boycotts
Tendering procedures
If a contract is awarded based on a formal tendering procedure, our company will neither agree upon nor coordinate bids with other bidders. This applies both to public and to limited tendering procedures and irrespective of whether it is an award procedure of a public authority or a private organization.
Our company is expressly against any form of corruption in Germany and other countries and avoids even the appearance of wanting to influence business decisions with unfair business practices. No employee is permitted to use the business relations of the company for their own or another's benefit or to the detriment of our company. This means, in particular, that in business operations, no employee gives or accepts impermissible private advantages (e.g. money, benefits in kind, services) that may influence objective decision-making.
No employee is permitted to use the business relationships of our company for their own or another's benefit or to the detriment of our company. This means, in particular, that in business operations, no employee gives or accepts impermissible private advantages (e.g. money, benefits in kind, services) that may influence objective decision-making.
Every employee of our company is under an obligation to seek advice and help if there is any suspicion or legal doubts relating to corruption or economic crime. Superiors and/or the management provide advice and help.
Giving and accepting benefits, invitations and gifts
Invitations, such as business lunches or events that are in line with acknowledged business practice and reasonable, may be made or accepted if they are not used for impermissible preferential treatment. The same applies to accepting or giving promotional gifts worth up to about EUR 50.00.
If there are any doubts about the existence of an objective reason or the normal nature of a gift, the employee must ask their superior or a manager in advance.
Office holders
Benefits of any kind given to officials or other office holders and to the agents of government institutions, even through third parties, are prohibited irrespective of their value.
Parties and parliamentarians
For gifts to parties and political organizations and parliamentarians and candidates for political office, the valid laws are complied with.
Advisers and agents
The commissioning of advisers, agents and other intermediaries must not be used to circumvent the prohibition of bribery.
Donations and sponsoring
Donations are only made on a voluntary basis and without expectation of any consideration in return. Donations and sponsoring must not be designed as a hidden way to promote decisions in the interest of the company. The donation must be transparent. The recipient of the donation and the specific use by the recipient must be known. It must be possible to account for the reason for the donation and the purpose to which it is put at any time. Donations must not be hidden in remunerations. These are payments that appear to be remuneration for a service, but with a value that substantially exceeds the value of service.
Tax law / customs law / foreign trade law
Our company makes tax declarations and notifications truthfully. Our company pays customs duties correctly on all goods for which they are due. The company consistently complies with the laws governing export controls and customs in foreign trade law and customs law and ensures that they are properly implemented.
From its suppliers, the company expects qualified and punctual provision of the export control and foreign trade data and implementation of sufficient standards on security in the supply chain as part of global customs security programs.
4. Avoidance of conflicts of interest
Employee loyalty
Our company is loyal toward each and every one of its employees and expects the same loyalty from its employees in return. It makes sure that its employees do not get into a situation in which their personal or financial interests conflict with those of the company or its business partners.
The employees of our company must report any personal interest that may relate to their professional activity to their superior immediately.
Sideline jobs and holdings in companies
Employees of our company are prohibited from managing a company or working for a company that competes with our company. This also applies to the holding of a close relative or partner.
5. Handling information
Industrial and business secrets
The employees of our company are obligated to treat industrial and business secrets and other internal affairs in confidence. This also applies to information about contractual partners and customers that is not publicly accessible. The confidentiality obligation persists after the employment relationship has ended.
Privacy policy
In addition to the general confidentiality regulations (e.g. § 17 UWG German Unfair Competition Act), data confidentiality according to GDPR must be maintained. In particular, it is prohibited to process, disclose, divulge or make any other use of protected personal data than for the legitimate performance of the task for which they were collected. This obligation to maintain data confidentiality persists even after departure from the company.
Obligation to report truthfully
All reports and other written documentation must be drawn up correctly and truthfully. This applies irrespective of whether they are internal reports or reports made accessible externally.
Collection of data and other records must always be based on the principles of adequate and orderly accounting and must always be complete and correct.
6. Compliance with the code of conduct
The company familiarizes its employees with the contents of this code of conduct and explains the resulting obligations to them. The company communicates the principles of the code of conduct to its business partners.
The conduct requirements laid down in this code of conduct are a part of the employment contract for the employees of the company and must therefore be complied with.
Guidelines and processes
The conduct requirements laid down in this code of conduct are a part of the employment contract for the employees of the company and must therefore be complied with.
The company is introducing all necessary steps to implement the basic values and requirements contained in this code of conduct by means of suitable organizational measures and appropriate guidelines and processes in all areas of business.
Regular controls
The company undertakes to check regularly that the code of conduct is being complied with.
Notification of violations
Each employee of the company is obligated to report any (potential, or imminent) violations of laws, internal rules and this code of conduct that they observe immediately to their superior or the management.
Reports of a violation of this code are treated in confidence and have no negative effects on the reporting employee unless they deliberately make an untruthful report.
Consequences of violations
Violations of the code of conduct and legal regulations can have consequences commensurate with their severity under employment and liability law and even result in penalties under criminal law.